R & D Department
The goal of the R&D department at Jahansteel plant is to develop and include new products and services in the production line and present them to the market. The initial research conducted by the R&D department of this company revealed that 100% dependence of the country on the import of fittings and accessories had multiplied the production costs for UPVC door and window manufacturing companies, 40% to 45% of which are based in the province. Considering this situation, Jahansteel Co.’s 70% to 80% share in the production of galvanized reinforcement profiles had created an undeniable capacity for the company to involve in the manufacturing of fittings and accessories of these types of doors and windows. Under these conditions, the R&D department of Jahansteel Co. included the design and production of fittings and accessories for UPVC doors and windows in its agenda by assessing the needs of the market in order to gain a significant competitive advantage over its competitors. The localization of this product was planned by the company two years ago. The first step was to provide the necessary equipment to start the production lines of this strategic product. With the efforts of the company’s engineers and by reverse engineering of common equipment used in some industries, robotic arms for the production of UPVC door and window handles were designed and made for the first time in the country. Currently, the country’s first full-auto UPVC door and window handles production line under the name of “Sepehr Yaragh Parsian” Co. is on the verge of operation and has a monthly production capacity of 250,000 door handles and 540,000 window handles.